When it finally got warm enough to go out in the wagon we did so a lot. But as you can see after being in a cave all winter it seemed bright out.

We spend lots of time in the car!

Matt and Ruthie catching a snooze together, yet the littlest one is wide awake and jumping on the couch next to them, you can see her hand.

We go for walk-abouts often, this time I think we were up Pine Creek.

It was cold and windy!

Ruthie is growing up so much, she loves being outdoors, and at the cricks and mountains, she likes to catch bugs and frogs or collect rocks. She is awesome, I love this about her.

While Lizzie on the other hand is still young to appreciate the outdoors fully, so she turns her attention to Grandpa! And she definitely has all of his attention, having him wrapped tightly around her finger.

Here are the girlies in their Easter dresses!

Photo shoot in the yard, and Rosebud showed up to play!

Be careful, she scratches!
Then Matt was convinced our Silver Maple tree was rotten inside and dangerous! I had to watch them cut my beloved tree down.

We got help from our friends Steve, Daniel, and Matt's brother TJ. They were an extraordinary help. Thanks guys!

It rained off and on and got windy for a while, but they got it down without breaking anything. What a blessing!

And sure enough, it was really rotten inside, I guess Matt knew what he was doing!

Before the batteries died I got a cute picture of a girly in a blue dress picking Blue Bells! How beautiful. Now you are almost caught up to life with the Jolley's! Maybe I will try posting again before too long.
The decorations were quite amazing! Even for Jaime! And a great time was had by all.
Our little blue bell picking blue bells, how sweet... great picture Jaime.
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