Monday, December 31, 2007

Christmas Pictures

We were invited to a very fine christmas tea party with Asia, Maya, Jessica and Jean.
This is the second annual tea party, and the girls love practicing their proper tea manners.
Here's Asia sipping!
And Ruthie and Lizzie being sweet sisters.

Matt had this last week off of work. His brothers Tyler and Joseph also were on break from school. Joe goes to Whitworth, and is the Opera singer. Tyler is the Football player that plays for Eastern. They got to come up and spend a few nights each at our house. Here's a picture of them with Ruthie at church. Joe's the one with the Laser vision!
It has been fun having these guys around and Ruthie loves hanging out with her uncles.
But who cares about family.
Now the important part of Christmas...PRESENTS!
Lizzie got a Rody. It is pretty cool. I want one my size.
Ruthie got a digital camera, it's a little complicated for her, since there is no LCD screen.
Here's Lizzie with her stocking stuffers, bored already.
And Ruthie with her new teapot. She loves having tea parties.
Merry Christmas all of you. And God Bless you!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Merry Christmas to all...

Our biggest gift for the girls (free on Craigs List) was given to them a couple of weeks early, because it needed a home right away.
That's right a Bunny, a real one named Lily. They love it a little too much.
It is overwhelmed sometimes and although it is cool because it is litter box trained, it is not as domesticated as a cat or dog. It bites... Ruthie 2 on the hands, and 1 on the butt ox. She probably deserved it all three times. Lizzie on the other hand we have to watch, she can only touch it under extreme supervision and assisted petting. I gave her a puppet bunny that looks a little like our real one to see what she would do. She grabbed it tightly in her fists and squeezed it close to her and bit it. I don't know why the bunny is so timid. She tries to hide behind the TV and couch and christmas tree where all our cords are, and she will chew on cords so she is becoming a bit of a pest in that manner. Tucker does well with her he wants her to play, but she's a little too stuck up for that.

Merry Christmas, God Bless you all.
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Harvest are some pictures of the girls dressed up for the Harvest Festival that our church does on Halloween.
The Graceful Ballerina Ruthie!

And here's Super Baby! She liked playing the part, and couldn't wait to get ready to go that day, she was thrilled with her costume.
At the party she and her friend Asia, the Kangaroo, got to go in a bounce house by them selves for a little bit.
They had a puppet show, that Ruthie, Pi Nu (friend from Thailand), Asia, and Jean are watching. The puppet show shared the gospel to all those that came. We had lots of fun!
Here's the bouncy Kangaroo and closeup of a Ballerina.
And they had Walk Through the Bible set up. The fish that swallowed Jonah is still Ruthie's favorite of that. You crawl through it and it has glow in the dark ribs a black light and Jonah inside praying. The fiery furnace, and the Lions den are cool too. Ruthie was telling some of the Junior High girls all about the plagues that God sent upon Egypt.
And here is Super Baby, flew in to gaze upon the newborn Messiah!

How cool that we can take such an evil holiday and use it to glorify God's name in the community. The walk through the bible is such a great tool to use to teach kids about the stories they hear in the Bible.

Okay here's the beautiful ballerina to top it all off.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Uninhibited Worship...or Just Showoffs!

A few days ago I went to do chores, but couldn't when I heard the crazy ruckus going on, I grabbed the camera to catch the moment.

Here's Lizzie, singing her heart out:

She is getting pretty good with her voice, she hollers all the time. She says "mama", "dada", and has said "hi" a couple of times. She sometimes calls Ruthie "dada" I think.

Now here's Ruthie, I think she is doing an interpretive dance:

Doesn't she look like a Hippie, where did she learn to dance like that? Maybe Grandma! hehehe! Sometimes she won't let me even see her face when I have the camera, and other times she is a complete ham.

And here's a bonus of both of them, but take special note of our dog Tucker, licking himself.

And then there is the Bible on the couch with a coffee cup, so that pretty much sums up our lives right now. Crazy baby, Goofy child, Annoying dog, and what gets us through? Jesus and a cup of coffee.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Growing Quick

Ruthie and Lizzie. Ruthie likes to help me give Lizzie baths, and loves her soft skin, it is so irresistable. Lizzie is not crawling but getting around by "the tippy toe scoot" like a little inchworm.
Ruthie has gotten a lot of miles out of this rocking horse named "Alley" after Laurie the neighbors horse. She rides almost every day. When she gets big she says she will have a fast red car and a horse...and she will hold on tight.
Lizzie is chewing on everything. She has her front four teeth, with two more not far under the gums. Lets get them all done at once I guess. Doesn't she look like she is posing for the camera?

Speedy Gonzales
Ruthie is a very fast runner, with a little drama, and a big wiggle!

They both love to play peek-a-boo. And who doesn't love to hear babies giggling. I am so glad they love each other and like to play far.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What We Say and What They Hear

Ruthie was wanting to serve Lizzie coffee, and I said "no, it can stunt your growth". She says "oh... but it won't stain Daddy's throat."

Some time ago I caught Ruthie reading her nursery rhyme book to herself. She was reading the part that said "Says Simple Simon to the pieman, 'pray let me taste your ware'". Ruthie's rendition was "He met a pieman and said, 'let me smell your underwear.'"

She always calls Bandaids "Dandaids," and it amuses me so I haven't yet corrected her, I probably better.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Busy Lizzie

Lizzie is sitting up really well, she wants to move around so badly. She loves to jump while I hold her and is constantly reaching and leaning for things. She is Busy Lizzie, always wiggling ever since she was born she has wanted to be shifted in her position almost continuously. She is not the cuddly baby like Ruthie was. But she is still mommy's girl, she said her first word tonight in the car on the ride home she said clear as a bell but very distressed, "Mama". She said it several times and very definitely knows what it means. Aaah, she's my girl. Ruthie said Dada first so this makes Matt very jealous, ha ha.

Lizzie likes her binky, so when she has it in her mouth and tries to talk it sounds pretty funny, we call it "Binky Talk". Ruthie gets a kick out of it too.

Lizzie is full of smiles, and very flirtatious. She is not shy with people she doesn't know like Ruthie was even as a small baby.
Twins in appearance but very different personalities, both adorable!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Happy 3rd Birthday Ruthie

We had a fun party at our house in celebration of Ruthie turning THREE!
Grandma Rose & Grandpa Tim came and helped out a bunch getting ready for it and brought many presents for the honorary girl. Ruthie's friends, Asia, Charis, Isaac & Havilah all came and brought their parents too.
Grandma holding Lizzie
Now Grandpa's turn to hold Lizzie.
Isaac showing Asia how to make fart sounds! Pretty cool. "prrrrrt"
Havilah swinging high, with her daddy's help.
Charis' big grin.
Asia loving the teeter totter!

Ruthie got her Calico Critters house and mouse family and several other sets to go with it, plus lots of books, and cool toys.

She had a lot of fun playing with the kids outside. It all went well and we had good food and lots of fun hanging out with good company.
When her last guests were getting ready to leave Isaac gave her a hug and told her "Happy Birthday" she looked at me and asked "mom, is my birthday all done?" I told her yes and she says, "I liked my birthday a lot!". It was very sweet. May God bless my Ruthie and give her lots more fun birthdays to come.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ruthie the Daredevil!

Ruthie is skinning the cat with Daddy...

and here's Ruthie finally getting braver on her slide at home...

At Youth Camp this year Ruthie got to hang out at the beach with her pals Isaac, his sister Havilah, and her friend Matthew who is visiting from California one his 3 year birthday, and Kira was there to push them on the swing.
They had a lot of fun together!

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Today grandpa gets even older...

Happy Birthday Grandpa we love you lots you are an excellent Daddy and Grandpa too! xoxo

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Fun with the Cuz's

Cousins Jacob and Brennen came to stay with Grandma and Grandpa for a few days. They came out for Pinehurst days and played with Ruthie. They weren't super into the car show but the kids had fun playing with each other.
A couple days later we met at Triple Play with them. That was a lot of fun. The boys went down the slides a lot they were not afraid. Ruthie was too little but would not have gone anyway. But I did convince her to come down the little ones a few times. And she enjoyed the pool that made waves. Lizzie ate some of her first cheeseburger, she loves food, and she liked dipping her feet in the water too.

I got mom to go down the tube and she liked it. She got dad to go down with her and he liked it too, but when they came out mom went down and dad kept going over the top of her. Here is a shot of the action, kinda blurry but still funny.

Then the boys got to go on Go Karts with Uncle Matt and Grandpa. Ruthie was still too short, next time Ruthie.

Uncle Matt looks a little messed up is he okay to drive?

I think the big boys had more fun than the little boys on these.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Too Many Pets.

Well we have had one dog Tucker since we moved in around christmas, he has been a handful but is getting through with the puppy stage and is turning out to be ok. We thought maybe he would be even better if he had a friend so we are on trial run with our friends dog they wanted to get rid of named Minnie. She is going back tomorrow, after chewing up several toys, jumping the fence and chewing things in the neighbors garage and barking all day when we leave. One morning I woke up to Ruthie crying and I ran in to see what was the matter and there was stuffing all over her room, they had torn up a pillow she had, and she just kept saying "why did they do this?" Ruthie will be sad but not too much because she was willing to trade both dogs in to get a kitty the other day. She did end up getting one...sort of. While the dogs were gone getting wood with Matt a cat came to our yard and Ruthie became instant friends with it.
She named it Leafsberry, or Leasbear?!? She tried to bring it in the house and as you can see it actually let her hold it and carry it some.
It is the best kind of pet to have because it comes to visit and play and then goes to someone elses house for someone else to be responsible for it.
I haven't seen it in a while, the dogs chased it off when they got home. I thought Ruthie would be upset but she laughed really hard.