We had a little party with our friends. We had a storm that made it hard for them to even make it up to us but we were grateful for them making the trek.

Here is the pre-party face.

Awaiting guests to arrive Ruthie read a book to Elizabeth.

Mommy got a little carried away with decorations, but it is winter then and I love doing creative things. So I made name cards, and decorated with butterflies.

It was perfect because Lizzie had just received a gift of a tea party picnic set with butterflies on it, so we used those.

I made it look fun for the kids but Matt hated it because he had to duck to go into the dining room.

Lizzie is trying her hardest to blow up the balloons!

And again too much time in the winter to sit and create things. But they turned out beautiful, and tasted pretty good too! Butterfly cupcakes and of course a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting for those of us who like what it tastes like more than how it looks.

Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday to Elizabeth...

Such a doll!

Yummy! Say cheese, silly face.

She got lots of fun gifts too. Mostly we were just excited to have our friends come over and hang out. But thanks for the gifts too.

We all had lots of fun, and then our guests had to drive back over the icy pass with kids on a sugar rush.
I tried to keep the other kids out of the pictures on here since I didn't know if they would appreciate me putting their pictures on the internet, but truly there were other kids and they were very cute too. I got some nice pictures of them.
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