We had a fun party at our house in celebration of Ruthie turning THREE!

Grandma Rose & Grandpa Tim came and helped out a bunch getting ready for it and brought many presents for the honorary girl. Ruthie's friends, Asia, Charis, Isaac & Havilah all came and brought their parents too.

Grandma holding Lizzie

Now Grandpa's turn to hold Lizzie.

Isaac showing Asia how to make fart sounds! Pretty cool. "prrrrrt"

Havilah swinging high, with her daddy's help.

Charis' big grin.

Asia loving the teeter totter!
Ruthie got her Calico Critters house and mouse family and several other sets to go with it, plus lots of books, and cool toys.

She had a lot of fun playing with the kids outside. It all went well and we had good food and lots of fun hanging out with good company.

When her last guests were getting ready to leave Isaac gave her a hug and told her "Happy Birthday" she looked at me and asked "mom, is my birthday all done?" I told her yes and she says, "I liked my birthday a lot!". It was very sweet. May God bless my Ruthie and give her lots more fun birthdays to come.
"Mom, I wanna have another birthday" -Ruthie upon seeing these pictures
What a joy you are! God smiled on us when He gave us such a delightful child. We love you. xoxo
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