are some pictures of the girls dressed up for the Harvest Festival that our church does on Halloween.
The Graceful Ballerina Ruthie!

And here's Super Baby!

She liked playing the part, and couldn't wait to get ready to go that day, she was thrilled with her costume.

At the party she and her friend Asia, the Kangaroo, got to go in a bounce house by them selves for a little bit.

They had a puppet show, that Ruthie, Pi Nu (friend from Thailand), Asia, and Jean are watching. The puppet show shared the gospel to all those that came. We had lots of fun!

Here's the bouncy Kangaroo and closeup of a Ballerina.

And they had Walk Through the Bible set up. The fish that swallowed Jonah is still Ruthie's favorite of that. You crawl through it and it has glow in the dark ribs a black light and Jonah inside praying. The fiery furnace, and the Lions den are cool too. Ruthie was telling some of the Junior High girls all about the plagues that God sent upon Egypt.
And here is Super Baby, flew in to gaze upon the newborn Messiah!

How cool that we can take such an evil holiday and use it to glorify God's name in the community. The walk through the bible is such a great tool to use to teach kids about the stories they hear in the Bible.
Okay here's the beautiful ballerina to top it all off.
1 comment:
Oh my what grace you have Ruthie.
What a lovely ballerina you make. Lizzy you looked adorable as Super Baby. Love and kisses to you both.Granma
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