Speedy Gonzales
Ruthie is a very fast runner, with a little drama, and a big wiggle!
They both love to play peek-a-boo. And who doesn't love to hear babies giggling. I am so glad they love each other and like to play together...so far.
A collection of silly things in our house. Starting with Ruthie's random phrase "Heaven's in my throat". Which in some places in Africa the people would say "throat" in place of where we say "heart", maybe Ruthie's on to something.
Sisters are the most wonderful of friends! Ruthie your one of the best big sisters I've ever seen. Thats a grandmas perspective though! Great blog update Jaime.
Hey kid,
Is this thing working??? I miss those little ankle biters you have. What pretty babies you made. Pat them on the rear, slug matt, and pinch yourself for me please. Miss you all so much.
Love ya,
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