Thursday, April 16, 2009

Different Girls

I just love this egg and nest picture, hooray, spring is in the air.

Today I heard two different things from my children that I think describes their personalities quite well. First Ruthie, she is very intelligent and listens to every word we say. She is a philosophic thinker and loves the Lord, thankfully. Today we were talking about ticks, I was telling her how they poke their heads inside us and drink our blood. She asked me, "Why did God create ticks to drink blood?" We wrote the question down to ask Daddy when he got home!
Lizzie on the other hand, is a wild one. She was caught a few days ago squatting down next to our slider door and licking her way up to as high as she could reach, about a two foot streak! Today she walked in holding her shorts up way too high (she was not wearing a diaper at the time so they weren't staying up the same as normal) and she said to me, "I not licking the window, Mom".
Both girls were praised, Lizzie for being sooo good at that moment, and Ruthie for coming up with such a good question.

Ruthie a couple days ago was making shapes with her hands and saying, "look an 'A'!" She continued and then a minute later she shows us her hands and says, "This is an A-hole!!!" Matt and I tried not to make a deal out of it but couldn't help chuckling at her innocence.
Ruthie is riding a bike now (with training wheels). She is getting very good at it, we are so proud of her.
Sometimes I call Lizzie "Piggie" not meanly but in an endearing way because she can eat a lot and she is cute. But a couple days ago when I cuddled her and called her that she very offendedly said, "I noh a pig, mom" cause all her sentences end in either "mom," "though," or "too." I guess I can't call her that anymore.

1 comment:

Seven Mile Rose said...

In a few years Ruthie will be mortified by this story. Your stories always make me laugh. Keep them coming I love them.