There has been a little flooding up here in the Silver Valley! We took a drive a couple days before it had peaked , we went up the Little North Fork, and here are a couple of decent pictures I got. I saw pictures on the internet and could tell it had come up quite a bit from when I took these.

We finally got a little pool for the girls, if it ever gets warm enough they could go in it again. Ruthie was so freezing after she did this.

We went to Aunie Em's wedding to Paul, they had it at a Bible Camp. It was really fun. Matt could only get Ruthie to dance with him.

Lizzie loved dancing too.

Here's Lizzie in the wagon when we went for a walk to see some of the flooding. I don't know why but I love natural disasters. They are so cool to see.

Ruthie's turn while Lizzie pushes from behind, I think Daddy needed some help!

DON'T DO IT LIZZIE. You have your whole life ahead of you.
I captured a silly picture while Lizzie was sitting on the swing at TJ's house and playing with a toy gun that was laying around.

And with the warm weather Ruthie learned a new trick. To swing herself, thank goodness. We are so proud of Ruthie, she came in one day and told me she was swinging herself and to come watch and sure enough she had it down really well. Everyday for a few weeks she would go out first thing in the morning and start swining. They play outside whenever they can, and have great tans already.

We have been fishing several times and Ruthie caught this one at Bull Run!

I was trying to get some pictures of the girls together and I got about two pictures before Lizzie started crying and reaching for me.

At the Camp where the wedding was at they have a great big blue slide, it is awesome. We took the girls down, and Ruthie was a little nervous but liked it. Lizzie loved it because she has no comprehension of what could happen I think. Everyone started racing down it. Here is my nephews Preston and Nathan, I love the concentrated looks.

Nathan is a character, he is always getting people to laugh.

After a little while the big Jolley boys started playing; TJ, Matt, Joseph, Jordan, and Tyler. Oh my goodness, look out and stand back. They would wax the gunnysacks and get going so fast that at the bottom they couldn't hardly stop. Tyler would actually jump up and slow himself running, then he even hit the fence that swung open. He nearly took out Grandma Jolley one time. I got a few more pictures and have a flickr page now that I will try to put pictures on.
A Little Glimpse into a Kids Mind:This morning Ruthie and Lizzie and I were laying in bed talking. Lizzie was saying "eye," so we asked where Ruthie's eye was, and she pointed to it. Then we asked her nose, mouth and ears, and she pointed to all of those too. Then Ruthie lifts her shirt and tells her "nipple," then "bellybutton." Then Ruthie asks me "Does God have a belly button?" I said I didn't know, but probably not. Anybody have a better answer, cause now I'm kinda curious.
And here is a video of Ruthie swinging while she sings.
I would have to say no on the belly button thing...don't you ge that from being in the womb? Jesus did though, being born and all! At least that's my opinion=-)!!! I love the crazy questions that kidos ask.~Joanna
So then, did Adam and Eve have bellybuttons? Probably, I think they did.
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