I am so glad we have lots of snow, I say keep it coming. There's nothing worse than a Winter with no snow, either bitter cold and dry or warm and rainy. Although it is hard to get out into it as often as we would like between colds and keeping a baby warm enough in it. Here are some pictures of our sledding hike.

Ruthie makes the same look posing for the camera as Grandma does when she is looking at herself in the mirror! Ruthie has your expressions Mom!

This was Ruthies favorite part, it was easy to pull on the road but once we got off it got too heavy.

Here's our hiking trail near our house, I would love to see what is up there someday but we never get very far for some reason.

Ruthie is fascinated by the curves that the snowplow makes.

Tucker is looking for his marbles I think.

So that's our fun in the snow, we'll have to do it again sometime before it melts off.
1 comment:
Your pictures are pure pleasure to look at! And your comments make me laugh Jaime! Thanks
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