Ruthie's Angel
Lizzie SleddingA few days ago I cut a piece of skin on my finger too close and it bled, I put a band aid on it and when I took it off I folded it all up and accidentally dropped it. I looked a little and couldn't find it so gave up. Well Lizzie just crawled up to me pleased as punch about a little treasure she was exploring in her mouth. When I pulled it out to see what she had, sure enough it was my lost bloody band aid!

Ruthie has been getting extra sassy lately. She was "helping" me cook the other day. She always insists on putting her chair up to the counter right about where I need to be. I was rolling out some dough and needed a little bit of room to move my elbows and asked her to scoot over a little cause I needed some space. She got very defensive and sassy, saying "
I need some space too ya know!"
I found a cool pattern online for making little girl dresses out of button up shirts. I went to the thrift store and bought some shirts and a curtain for some extras and set to work. Here are the finished results. If you want to make one this is the website for directions button shirt to toddler dress

So Lizzie is pretty much walking now, it has been gradual so I don't know when to say she actually started. Today she took about 6 steps in a row, she will only try short distances still. She is excellent at going up and down stairs and is beginning to talk more. She has said mama and dada for some time now but likes to mimic the tune of words. Most often it she says the tune to "Thank you". She is also saying "up ma", and pretty certain she has said "Bible" at night when we read the Bible together. She has a word that I think means Ruthie, that sounds like "Dada" but yelling, in search of her. Other possible words, that I think she has said are; please, mom eye, Tucker (our dog), Bunny. She is very animated and has a hot temper. She likes to make Ruthie laugh. She shakes her head back and forth very quickly for fun, I think (see video below). When I scold her or tell her "No", she gets angry sometimes and clenches her jaw and shakes, even sometimes "". It scares me!
Ruthie is learning from workbooks her numbers and letters. On each page we write her name at the top. I usually write it in yellow, then she writes over my letters. For the first time the other day she was willing to write it herself without my letters, she did awesome. I love watching her learn. Her attention span is still small so we only do a little at a time, and sometimes I get frustrated because I forget she is only 3. So God is teaching me patience, but I have a long way
to come still.