This is a little overdue:
Back in December we (the girls and I) got to go to Seattle to visit my sister. We went to the beach and collected some seashells and saved some sea life. We got to go to the Aquarium, I had never been to one and it was pretty cool. And we got to just hang out and spend time with Aunt Jenny, and cousins Jacob and Brennen. We didn't see Uncle Eric much cause he was working on power outages a lot.

Here is a cute picture of the boys together.

And one of the girls together.

This is Lizzie with one hand caught in the candy cane box. While sitting right next to the tempting fish bowl. She kept going in there and touching it and would then come and tell us she touched the fish with her hand even though she knew she wasn't supposed to. The little Rascal.

And my kids are so weird they take after their Daddy. Ruthie and he always clean out the toe jam in between their toes and insist that it is good to do. Ruthie condemns me for not wanting to do it too. And here I caught Lizzie for the first time following in their footsteps! What weirdo's. I like my socks on, they all take theirs off first chance they get.
Thanks for having us over Jenny. We had lots of fun, we'll have to come again sometime when it is warm.
Adorable even when they are being naughty or icky!
I love the pic of Lizzie in the candy's totally a Charis look. What little rascals we have!
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