This is an interview on Crosstalk that a friend emailed me. It is excellent advise and I am going to order the seminar this lady does. I am at a point right now that I need to update my methods with Ruthie as she is growing and Lizzie is so different from Ruthie she needs something different altogether. Lizzie is taking to hitting every time she does not get what she wants. For some time now Lizzie would hit Ruthie for telling her no. My method with Ruthie that worked great was to give a spank on the hand and say not to do whatever it was she did wrong. Lizzie just hits more, which makes sense. Just this past week she is hitting the air when I don't go the direction she is pointing me, or hitting me when I tell her no milk. I started to hold her hand down after doing it and restrict her. Then she absolutely freaks out, screaming and crying. Then when she gets disciplined she always wants milk to comfort her, and I don't want to do that all the time, since I want to be weaning her soon. Any advice? I am excited to hear the seminar so I can learn some new tactics, and get a better perspective on raising the girls in a Godly way.
Dear Grandma, Thank You.
7 years ago