Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jesus in her heart!!!

We have shared with Lizzie about Jesus often, but as with Ruthie we never wanted to push her into a relationship with Him. Ruthie shares the gospel with her sister and wanted her to ask Jesus in her heart. But the last time Ruthie began sharing I helped her understand and asked her if she wanted to pray and ask Jesus in her heart, Lizzie wanted me to pray and didn't want to do it herself so I said I can't do it for you but you don't have to do it now, maybe another time.

So the other day in the car (we were eating breakfast on our way to church) we prayed for our food, and then Lizzie piped up that she wanted to pray and ask Jesus to come into her heart. I hadn't even mentioned it to her in a while and was surprised and told her okay go ahead. She prayed and asked Him into "mine and Wufie's (Ruthie's) heart". She then went on to pray for us to heal up, since we are kinda sick, and for all kinds of stuff. She was really excited and we congratulated her. I am so blessed that both of my children thus far want to have a relationship with their Maker. I pray that they both continue to walk in His ways and follow Him all the days of their lives. And that their baby brother too will come to the same decision in his life.

God bless everyone, I know I haven't posted in a really long time, but we don't have internet at home anymore so I have to do it at the church. This was a big enough milestone that it needed to be shared and written down so we can remember forever.
Praise be to God!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Vintage Wedding Refashioned Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!

When I saw this dress, I wished I could get married again and be skinny again just to wear it! Thankfully though I am already married to a wonderful man, so I will just tell my friends they should get married and wear this dress.
Vintage Wedding Refashioned Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!
As always I am amazed by her craftsmanship, and I love her style. I talked to my friend the other day and told her she needs to see this dress, since she just got engaged and wants a simple yet beautiful, inexpensive dress. She looooved the dress, and that says a lot because she works in NY, buying clothing for fashion stores or something. I think this dress would fit her style to a T. So I am posting about this dress for her I would love to be able to get it for her.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Catch up, photos of our spring!

When it finally got warm enough to go out in the wagon we did so a lot. But as you can see after being in a cave all winter it seemed bright out.
We spend lots of time in the car!
Matt and Ruthie catching a snooze together, yet the littlest one is wide awake and jumping on the couch next to them, you can see her hand.
We go for walk-abouts often, this time I think we were up Pine Creek.
It was cold and windy!
Ruthie is growing up so much, she loves being outdoors, and at the cricks and mountains, she likes to catch bugs and frogs or collect rocks. She is awesome, I love this about her.
While Lizzie on the other hand is still young to appreciate the outdoors fully, so she turns her attention to Grandpa! And she definitely has all of his attention, having him wrapped tightly around her finger.
Here are the girlies in their Easter dresses!
Photo shoot in the yard, and Rosebud showed up to play!

Be careful, she scratches!

Then Matt was convinced our Silver Maple tree was rotten inside and dangerous! I had to watch them cut my beloved tree down.

We got help from our friends Steve, Daniel, and Matt's brother TJ. They were an extraordinary help. Thanks guys!
It rained off and on and got windy for a while, but they got it down without breaking anything. What a blessing!
And sure enough, it was really rotten inside, I guess Matt knew what he was doing!

Before the batteries died I got a cute picture of a girly in a blue dress picking Blue Bells! How beautiful. Now you are almost caught up to life with the Jolley's! Maybe I will try posting again before too long.

The Butterfly Tea Party

We had a little party with our friends. We had a storm that made it hard for them to even make it up to us but we were grateful for them making the trek.

Here is the pre-party face.

Awaiting guests to arrive Ruthie read a book to Elizabeth.
Mommy got a little carried away with decorations, but it is winter then and I love doing creative things. So I made name cards, and decorated with butterflies.
It was perfect because Lizzie had just received a gift of a tea party picnic set with butterflies on it, so we used those.
I made it look fun for the kids but Matt hated it because he had to duck to go into the dining room.
Lizzie is trying her hardest to blow up the balloons!
And again too much time in the winter to sit and create things. But they turned out beautiful, and tasted pretty good too! Butterfly cupcakes and of course a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting for those of us who like what it tastes like more than how it looks.
Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday to Elizabeth...
Such a doll!
Yummy! Say cheese, silly face.

She got lots of fun gifts too. Mostly we were just excited to have our friends come over and hang out. But thanks for the gifts too.
We all had lots of fun, and then our guests had to drive back over the icy pass with kids on a sugar rush.

I tried to keep the other kids out of the pictures on here since I didn't know if they would appreciate me putting their pictures on the internet, but truly there were other kids and they were very cute too. I got some nice pictures of them.

Happy Belated 2nd Birthday Lizzie Jean!!!

So I am a little bit late in posting pictures from Lizzie's Two Year Birthday back in February!
Here is her with the fish tank from grandma and grandpa, we have gone through many fish already. But it is a fun thing to have.

Packages arrived in the mail from aunt Jenny, uncle Eric, and Jacob and Brennen.
She got a cool butterfly bingo game, and Ruthie got in on the excitement too with some stickers and tattoos.
Lizzie got a frog blanket too, that both girls wanted to have wrapped around them. She looks adorable in her leggings!
Mommy made a fleece cat for her, that she loved for about two days :)
Just look at that smile, so fake. She is still learning to give a soft smile on command!
For now I just love this one.

She got lots of new thrift store furniture for the calico critters they have.
And finally, she gets to see what mom and Ruthie have been working so hard on.
I, with some help from Ruthie, refinished a log style doll house from the thrift store.
It was an awesome find, they gave me a great deal and it turned out beautiful, I kinda wish I could live there.

Mommy had to play with it and get it set up the way she likes it. But they have their own creative minds and it doesn't stay the way I like it long.
Happy late birthday my sweet little girl. I love you lots!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Different Girls

I just love this egg and nest picture, hooray, spring is in the air.

Today I heard two different things from my children that I think describes their personalities quite well. First Ruthie, she is very intelligent and listens to every word we say. She is a philosophic thinker and loves the Lord, thankfully. Today we were talking about ticks, I was telling her how they poke their heads inside us and drink our blood. She asked me, "Why did God create ticks to drink blood?" We wrote the question down to ask Daddy when he got home!
Lizzie on the other hand, is a wild one. She was caught a few days ago squatting down next to our slider door and licking her way up to as high as she could reach, about a two foot streak! Today she walked in holding her shorts up way too high (she was not wearing a diaper at the time so they weren't staying up the same as normal) and she said to me, "I not licking the window, Mom".
Both girls were praised, Lizzie for being sooo good at that moment, and Ruthie for coming up with such a good question.

Ruthie a couple days ago was making shapes with her hands and saying, "look an 'A'!" She continued and then a minute later she shows us her hands and says, "This is an A-hole!!!" Matt and I tried not to make a deal out of it but couldn't help chuckling at her innocence.
Ruthie is riding a bike now (with training wheels). She is getting very good at it, we are so proud of her.
Sometimes I call Lizzie "Piggie" not meanly but in an endearing way because she can eat a lot and she is cute. But a couple days ago when I cuddled her and called her that she very offendedly said, "I noh a pig, mom" cause all her sentences end in either "mom," "though," or "too." I guess I can't call her that anymore.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Our Winter

Here is Ruthie getting some Idaho sunshine.

Matt and I went to Calvary Chapel's Youth Workers Conference in California during January, with another couple from church. It was fun. We went to the beach before the conference and enjoyed the warmth. The conference was awesome too, many things learned.

California sunset

The girl's new bedding and pillows and valance they got for Christmas looks beautiful, and they are ecstatic about it!